KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Archaeologia Cantiana : Being Contributions to the History and Archaeology of Kent. Volume LXXXV 1970.  Kent Archaeological Society. 1971,  
(215 x 138). pp, lxiii, (1), 235, (1). Plates, illustrations and fold out diagrams. Crease to last page. Dark blue and gilt cloth. Very good. Some loose Society papers tucked in. Contents. 1. Three Anglo-Saxon Disc Brooches. 2. Election Issues and the Borough Electorates in Mid-Seventeenth-Century Kent. 3. Excavation of the Iron Age Camp at Squerryes, Westerham. 4. Rise and Decline : Dover and Deal in the Nineteenth Century. 5. Excavations at Eccles, 1969. 6. Two Lost Court Lodges - Longfield and Wootton. 7. Armada Preparations in Kent and Arrangements made after the Defeat (1587-1589). 8. Excavation in Rochester. 9. An Eighteenth-Century Corn Watermill. 10. Cogan House, St. Peter's, Canterbury. 11. Springhead - The Well, F.19. 12. The Seventeenth-Century Token Insurers of Gravesend and Milton-next-Gravesend.
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