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Heraldry & Genealogy
HERZOG, Bert. ~ Wappenschild Und Helmzier. Einfuhrung In Wappenkunst Und Wappenkunde. Bern. Paul Haupt. 1937.
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(Monaco). ~ Monaco, ses Princes, ses Princesses. Paris. S.G.A.F. 1956.
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SUPPIGER, Joseph and Salomon KOEPFLI and Kaspar KOEPFLI. (Translated by Raymond J. Spahn an edited by John C. Abbott). ~ Journey to New Switzerland. Travel Account of the Koepfli and Suppiger Family to St.Louis on the Mississippi and the Founding of New Switzerland in the State of Illinois. Illinois. Southern Illinois University Press. 1987. (First edition).
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CLEPHAN, R. Coltman. (With a preface by Charles J. Ffoulkes). ~ The Tournament. Its Periods and Phases. London. Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1919.
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(MEIKLEJOHN, M.J.C.) ~ The Fettes College Register. Edinburgh. H.& J.Pillans. 1909. (Fourth edition).
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NICHOLAS, Thomas. ~ Annals and Antiquities of The Counties and County Families of Wales Containing a Record of all Ranks of the Gentry, their Lineage, Alliances, Appointments, Armorial Ensigns, and Residences,......from Reliable and Original Sources. London. Longmans, Green, Reader, and Co., 1872. (Vol, II. F-R).
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CLARK, Hugh. ~ An Introduction to Heraldry: Containing the Origin and Use of Arms; Rules for Blazoning and Marshalling Coat Armours; ... and a new Chapter on Heraldry as in conjunction with Architecture. London. Henry Washbourne. 1845. (Fourteenth edition, improved and enlarged).
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HENSON, Nia. (Compiled by). ~ Index of the Probate Records of the Bangor Consistory Court. Vol.I: Pre-1700. (N.L.W. Probate Indexes No.I). Aberystwyth. National Library of Wales. 1980.
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BEACHCROFT, S.P. (Editor). ~ Clifton College Register, 1862 to 1962. (Centenary Edition). Bristol. Council of Clifton College / J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd. 1962.
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TOWNSEND, Francis. (Pursuivant of Arms). ~ Calendar of Knights; Containing Lists of Knights Bachelors, British Knights of Foreign Orders, also Knights of the Garter, Thistle, Bath, St.Patrick, and the Guelphic and Ionian Orders, from 1760 to the Present Time. London. William Pickering. 1828.
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PERROT, A. -M. (Aristide-Michel). ~ Collection historique des ordres de chevalerie civils et militaires, existant chez les differens peuples du monde, suivie d'un tableau chronologique des ordres eteints;.... Paris. Chez Aime Andre. 1820.
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PORNY. Mr. ~ The Elements of Heraldry, containing ... London. Printed for T. Carnan, and F. Newbery, Junior. 1777. (The third edition corrected).
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(LEOPOLD, L'ORDRE DE). ~ Le Livre D'Or De L'Ordre De Leopold Et De La Croix De Fer Publie Sous Le Patronage De Sa Majestie Le Roi with Supplement (9 Novembre au 12 Aout 1860). Three volumes. Bruxelles. Lelong. 1858 and 1864 (Supplement).
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JONES, Nansi C. (Compiled by). ~ Archdeaconry of Brecon Probate Records. Vol.I: Pre-1660. (National Library of Wales Probate Indexes No.2). Aberystwyth. National Library of Wales. 1989.
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GHENO, Antonio. ~ Contributo alla Bibliografia Genealogica Italiana. Bologna. Forni Editore. 1971.
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SUTER, Paul. ~ Die Gemeindewappen des Kantons Baselland. Liestal. Kantonale Drucksachen-und Materilazentrale. 1952.
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HEYLYN, Peter. ~ A Help to English History Containing a Succession of all the Kings of England, the English, Saxons, and the Britons ; London. Paul Wright. 1773.
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BATTAGLIA, Otto Forst de. ~ Wissenschaftliche Genealogie. Eine Einfuhrung in ibre wichtigsten Grundprobleme. Bern. A.Francke AG. 1948.
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WILLIAMS, C.J. and WATTS-WILLIAMS, J. (Compiled by). ~ Cofrestri Plwyf Cymru. / Parish Registers of Wales. Aberystwyth. National Library of Wales. 2000. (Second edition).
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GAYRE OF GAYRE AND NIGG, Lt.Colonel. (Editor in Chief).(London editor: Julian Franklyn; Edinburgh editor: Reinold Gayre of Gayre and Nigg the Younger). ~ The Armorial Who is Who 1961-1962. A Register of Armorial Bearings in Current Use with the Names and Addreses of the Bearers and the Authority for their Use. Edinburgh. The Armorial. No date. (First edition).
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NICHOLAS, Thomas. ~ Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales Containing a Record of all Ranks of the Gentry, their Lineage, Alliances, Appointments, Armorial Ensigns, and Residences,......from Reliable and Original Sources. London. Longmans, Green, Reader, and Co., 1872. (Vol.1. A-D).
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GUTHRIG, Sylvia. (Editor). ~ The Devon Family Historian. Plymouth. Devon Family History Society. 1988-1998.
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WARD, J.S.M. ~ Brasses. Cambridge. At the University Press. 1912.
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SIEBMACHER, J. ~ Der Adel von Siebenburgen. J. Siebmacher's grosses Wappenbuch. Band 34. Neustadt an der Aisch. Bauer & Raspe. 1984.
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VEDDELER, Peter. ~ Das Niedersachsenross. Geschichte des niedersachsischen Landeswappens. Hannover. Fackeltrager-Verlag GmbH. 1996.
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WILLIAMS, C.J. and WATTS-WILLIAMS, J. (Compiled by). ~ Cofrestri Plwyf Cymru. / Parish Registers of Wales. Aberystwyth. National Library of Wales. 2000. (Second edition).
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CROTTET, A. ~ Histoire Et Annales De La Ville D'Yverdon Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Recules Jusqu'a L'Annee 1845. Geneva. Jules-Gme.Fick. 1859.
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[BINDING]. MOULE, Thomas. ~ Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnae Britanniae. An Analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogy, Heraldry, Nobility, Knighthood, & Ceremonies : With a List of......Principal Foreign Genealogical Works. London. Printed for the Author. 1822.
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VON FELS, H.R. and SCHMID, A. ~ Armorial de la ville de Saint-Gall. (Illustrations by Everilda von Fels). Rorschach. E.Lopfe-Benz. 1952.
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FRANCIS, Grant R. ~ Scotland's Royal Line. The Tragic House of Stuart with a Personal Biography of that Hero of Romance and Misfortune Prince Charles Edward. London. John Murray. 1928. (First edition).
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HIGGINS, Mrs. Napier. ~ The Bernards of Abington and Nether Winchendon. A Family History. Vol.II. London. Longmans, Green, and Co. 1903.
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SAUL, Nigel. (Edited by). ~ Age of Chivalry : Art and Society in Late Medieval England. (A History Today book). London. Brockhampton Press. 1995.
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DUROV, V. A. (Valery). ~ The Orders of Russia. Moscow. Voskresenie. 1993.
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SCHOBINGER, Victor. ~ Zurcher Wappenkunde. Das Wichtigste Uber Familienwappen. Zurich. Zurcher Kantonalbank. 1993.
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SNETZLER, Marjorie. (Edited by). ~ Devon Family History Society. Members Interests - 1988. Devon. D.F.H.S. 1988.
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HUBER. ~ Albert Huber Heraldiker. Altdorf. Nachstenliebe Altdorf. 1978.
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MEYER, Bruno. ~ Die Gemeindewappen Des Kantons Thurgau. Frauenfeld. Huber & Co. AG. 1960.
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BERCHEM, Egon Frh.von. ~ Siegel. Berlin. Richard Carl Schmidt & Co. 1923. (Bibliothek fur Kunst-und-Antiquitaten-Sammler. Band XI).
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WILSON, B. ~ The Sedbergh School Register 1546 to 1895. Leeds. Richard Jackson. 1895.
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LOWER, Mark Antony. ~ English Surnames : An Essay on Family Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological, and Humorous; with several Illustrative Appendices. London. John Russell Smith. 1849. (Third edition, enlarged).
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TURBAYNE, A.A. ~ Monograms & Ciphers. London. Wordsworth Editions. 1990.
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BEAUMONT, Edward T. ~ Ancient Memorial Brasses. London. Humphrey Milford. Oxford University Press. 1913.
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BURKHARDT, C.A.H. ~ Hand-und Adressbuch der Deutschen Archive im Gebiete des Deutschen Reiches, Luxemburgs, Oesterreich-Ungarns, der russichen Ostseeprovinzen und der deutschen Schweiz. Leipzig. Verlag von Fr. Wilh. Grunow. 1887.
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DAWSON, Thomas. ~ Memoirs of St.George the English Patron; and of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Being an Introduction to an Intended History of the Antiquities of the Castle, Town and Borough of Windsor, with the Parts Adjacent, in the County of Berks. London. Printed for Henry Clements. 1714. (First edition).
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RAYMOND, Stuart A. ~ Introducing Family History. Bury. Federation of Family History Societies (Publications) Ltd. 2006.
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BOO, Drs J. A. de. ~ Heraldiek. Bussum. Fibula-Van Dishoeck. 1967.
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PARISH RECORDS. ~ County of Surrey. Abstract of Parish Records, Civil and Ecclesiastical. Surrey County Council. 1928.
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MCLAUGHLIN, Eve. ~ First Steps in Family History. Newbury. Countryside Books. 2002. (Fifth edition).
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JOCELYN, Captain Arthur. (Foreword by The Earl Mountbatten of Burma). ~ Awards of Honour. The Orders, Decorations, Medals and Awards of Great Britain & the Commonwealth from Edward III to Elizabeth II. London. Adam and Charles Black. 1956.
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HUGHES-HUGHES, W.O. (Edited by). ~ The Register of Tonbridge School from 1820 to 1886, also Lists of Exhibitioners, etc., Previous to 1820, and of Head Masters and Second Masters. 1886.
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JONES, Nansi C. (Compiled by). ~ Archdeaconry of Brecon Probate Records. Vol.I: Pre-1660. (National Library of Wales Probate Indexes No.2). Aberystwyth. National Library of Wales. 1989.
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GIBBON, John. (A new preface by Cecil R.Humphery-Smith 1962) ~ Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam. An Essay to a More Correct Blason in Latine than Formerly hath been Used. Canterbury. Canterbury. Achievements Ltd. 1963.
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BRUCKNER-HERBSTREIT, Berty. ~ Heraldischer Fuhrer durch Schaffhausen. Lausanne. Schweiz. Heraldischen Gesellschaft. 1958.
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CHAPMAN, Colin R. ~ Tracing your British Ancestors. Dursley. Lochin Publishing. 1999. (Second edition, reprinted with revisions).
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PAMM, Anthony N. ~ Honours and Rewards in the British Empire and Commonwealth. Volume 1. The United Kingdom and Eire and Volume 2. The Empire and Commonwealthi Aldershot. Scolar Press. 1995.
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(LEOPOLD, L'ORDRE DE). ~ Le Livre D'Or De L'Ordre De Leopold Et De La Croix De Fer Publie Sous Le Patronage De Sa Majestie Le Roi. Two volumes. Bruxelles. Lelong. 1858.
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VALYNSEELE, Joseph. (Preface by Fleuriot de Langle). ~ Les Marechaux de la Restauration et de la Monarchie de Juillet. Paris. 1962.
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NICOLAS, Nicholas Harris. (Edited by). ~ A Roll of Arms, of the Reign of Edward the Second. London. William Pickering. 1829.
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QUERFURTH, Curt O. von. ~ Kritisches Worterbuch der Heraldischen Terminologie. Wiesbaden. Dr. Martin Sandig oHG. 1969.
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HENSON, Nia. (Compiled by). ~ Index of the Probate Records of the Bangor Consistory Court. Vol.I: Pre-1700. (N.L.W. Probate Indexes No.I). Aberystwyth. National Library of Wales. 1980.
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SUTER, Paul. ~ Die Gemeindewappen des Kantons Baselland. Liestal. Kantonale Schul- und Buromaterialverwaltung. 1984.
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BECKLES, Gordon. ~ Coronation Souvenir Book 1937. London. Daily Express. 1937.
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